Monday, November 12, 2012

The on-line addict's guide to Cheating at on-line games

Your Mother may be screaming at you, your Wife may be ready to divorce you, but the truth is that video games can  add some value to your boring daily life, but don't you feel that some days you just want to fire up and destroy all your online friends. By any means! Here's how to cheat at your favorite online video games.

You don't need a priest or your mother to tell you that cheating is bad. The reality is that cheating at an online video game can even get you banned. But, if you're just playing harmlessly against your friends and want to pull a prank,  and want to do it quickly, cheating can start looking at bit more appealing. There are more games and cheats out there than we could cover in this article, but here, we'll give you three examples from three of the more popular games.
bGame 1: Counterstrike.make the walls invisible!
It's not the newest game around, but it's still a very popular game among LAN (and steam) parties . One of the most popular cheats isn't so much a hack as it is a texture pack: by overwriting on-top of the game's files, you have the ability in turning the walls invisible, giving you the edge. Finding the enemy before the enemy finds you!
To do this hack, just download the files from here and paste them in your Counter-Strike: Source folder which by default is usually in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\yourusername\counter-strike source\cstrike. Yes, it's so simple! That's it. When you restart the game, BINGO! Invisible walls! . And, since the only thing you're doing is merely file replacement, it's unlikely that any chat system will detect you.

cGame 2: World of Warcraft. Level up your character

Be advised , games like World of Warcraft, are vastly popular and utilize  whole programs dedicated to combating  cheating. One such cheat program is Lazybot, an integrated program that controls the character for you and levels you up automatically while you go off and do other activities. 
Its prime purpose is simple: It roams around, detects the enemies, and fights them for you, gaining experience on your behalf while you leave the game minimized and unattended. It can also do other stuff such as building your fishing skill, automatically sending chat messages back to those that have contact you, and even give you a radar glance so you don't get stuck somewhere. It's actually a full-feature bot, and although a little riskier to use than most, it can without doubt take the pain out of hours and hours of grinding. Click here for the thread.

dGame 3: Modern Warfare - Rapid Fire Weapons

This cheat is a macro. what's a macro many of you may ask. It's a mini script that allows you to perform actions faster and better then you could ever do with your fingers, hence ''Rapid Fire'' scripts. With this simple script, you can tell instruct your computer to perform mouse clicks at a super lightning speeds, allowing  you fire off your weapon faster than you could by clicking your mouse .

Most of these scripts use something called a  AutoHotkey, a program usually talked bout in forums especially within the context of work productivity. You can find a ton of different rapid fire scripts online, but here is one example:
Click here for the video version

ActivateScript = 0
GroupAdd, ActiveWindow, ahk_class IW4
GroupAdd, ActiveWindow, ahk_class CoD4
; Home key to activate the macro
KeyWait, Home
GetKeyState, HomeState, Home, T
If HomeState = D
{ ActivateScript = 1
{ ActivateScript = 0
if ActivateScript = 1
{ Loop { ;Make sure CodMW2 window is the active window. Don't want weird mouse behaviour appearing at other window IfWinActive, ahk_group ActiveWindow { GetKeyState, LButtonButtonState, LButton, P If LButtonButtonState = D { Send, {LButton down} Sleep, 71 Send, {LButton up} } If LButtonButtonState = U { ;break the loop if physical state of LButton is up. break } } else { break } }

Note and be warned: We assume no legal responsibility. Kindly perform these cheats at your own risk. Be advised that most games have anti-cheat software running on their servers, and if caught can result in you getting banned. Don't cheat on a gaming account you can't live without, and if you can, do avoid anti-cheat servers to minimize the possibility of you getting caught. 

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