Welcome to Gadget Republic's Big Valentine Competition.
Get the Chance to win one of the 2 Electric bicycles depicted below:
Technical information
Color: Black for Gents version, Silver for Ladies'
Material: Carbon Fibre and Aerospace Grade Aluminium type 7075
Motor: 250w High Speed Brushless Motor
Battery: 36V / 10Ah new age LiFePo4
Speed: 25KmH *
Autonomy: 65Km
Load Capacity: 120Kg
Weight of Bike 26.5Kg for Boys / 28.2Kg for Girls
Brakes: Front and rear TEKTRO Disc Brakes
Gears: Shimano 21
These electric bicycles are Premium proffessional grade and most suitable for the city, although they do feel quite at home in the country as well. The is Frame is constructed from Carbon-Fibre and Aerospace Grade 7075 aluminum and the most trusted Shimano Derailleur and Gearing. Both models boast the lates SAIKE and PAS Controllers and can be programmed to ''help'' you under certain criteria (ie,hills over a certain gradient) or with the handlebar mounted throttle.
*Although both models are capable of going over 25KmH , they have been electronically limited to 25KmH in order to be compliant for circulation within the EU and Canada.
The General Rules
The rules are simple!
- Facebook Likes,Twitter Follows,Google+ Circling and Pinterest Follows each earns you 1 Vote in the Big Draw.
- Facebook Sharing,Twitter Retweets,Google + Like and Share (you have to do both) and Pinterest repins earns you another vote.
- Double accounts participation on Social Media are allowed. Ie, If you have an account on Facebook and Twitter, you are permitted to participate in both competitions and/or all. .
- Participants already participated in our previous competition and are already friends,followers etc can achieve a 1 vote (as it's not possible to ''relike'',''refollow'' etc, but may Post Share and Retweet for 1 vote). Friends on Facebook,Twitter,Google+ and Pinterest who unlike,unfollow,uncircle and unpin in an effort to earn an extra vote (2) will be disqualified and their votes will not be counted!
- Participants who took part in our previous competitions and have since cancelled their likes,following etc will NOT be legible for participation in this competition.
- The Winner may choose which version he/she would like (Gents or Ladies' version).
Competition Duration : 18 January till February 15th .
Draw Method and transparency : Random e-Generated blind draw with RandomPicker.com. The lucky Winner will be notified on February 17th.
What do I have to do If I'm on Facebook?
* To ''Like'' on our Facebook Page - Click here! (1 entry in the BIG draw. Existing likes cannot be ''reliked'')
* To ''Share'' on our Facebook Page - Click here!, find the post related with the competition and click ''share'' (1 extra entry in the Big draw )
Double accounts participation on Social Media are allowed. Ie, If you have an account on Facebook and Twitter, you are permitted to participate in both competitions and/or all.
What do I have to do If I'm on Twitter?
* To ''Retweet'' on our Twitter Page - Click here! , Find the Competition Related tweet and retweet it (1 extra entry in the Big draw )
Double accounts participation on Social Media are allowed. Ie, If you have an account on Facebook and Twitter, you are permitted to participate in both competitions and/or all.
What do I have to do If I'm on Google+?
Google+ Competition
* To ''Like'' AND Circle on our Google+ Page (You need to do both) - Click here! (1 entry in the BIG draw. Existing circles cannot be ''recircle''). Include Gadget Republic to your group of circles.
* To ''Share'' on our Google+ Page - Click here!. Find the post related to this competition and click share.
Note: Participants who ''Unlike'' and then ''Like'', or ''Uncircle'' and then ''Circle'' on our Google+ Page in an effort to maximise their participation vote will be disqualified and neither their ''Circling'' , ''Likes'' or Votes will be counted!
What do I have to do If I'm on Pinterest?
Pinterest Competition
* ''Follow'' at least 3 of our boards on our Pinterest Page - Click here! (1 entry in the BIG draw. Existing followers cannot be ''refollowe'')
* Find the relative Pin in our ''Site News- Blog'' section and ''Repin'' on to one of your boards
Double accounts participation on Social Media are allowed. Ie, If you have an account on Facebook and Google+, you are permitted to participate in both competitions and/or all.
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